Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Mashups, flickr toys and other apps

More of week 3:
3rd party tools...I thought a third party was not you, not me but her. Like a third party getting into the conversation or an unbiased negotiator gliding us through a heated debate or legal battle.

Well, I have yet again bounced or traversed into areas beyond my previous realm of knowledge. So here I go up, up and beyond...willingly, of course.

I hope everyone like my librarian trading card. What a clever idea!!

I also included a picture I cropped in Picnik. I don't want to reveal the location because it would be an easy way of knowing my true identity.

Monday, September 24, 2007

My flicker image downloaded

Week 3:

I think she looks like me or should I say I hope I look like that.
I have used another photo software with my personal digital camera so this seems much the same.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Off to a good "blog" start

For Week #1: I'm very organized and I like routine so that's not going to be a challenge for me. I can focus and concentrate on the task at hand without getting distracted. Having the time to be creative is another matter. I will probably opt for being more brief than creative.

For Week#2: Obviously I created my blog and have registered it. I'm very excited about that. I think it is one of the best ideas that have hit the internet. I'm a very private person so I won't have to be cautioned about online safety. I am not one to "tell all".

Monday, September 17, 2007

Another blogger in the library

Well, we certainly have each created a blog that is very individually unique.

I am so proud to have created my blog. I was feeling as if I was as advanced technically as I ever would be. I just proved differently.