Monday, January 12, 2009

#39 Wellness - Nutrition

I took some time to study many of the features at, and I was very impressed. I have known for some time, I need to walk on a more regular basis. I have an indoor area where I can walk so the weather is no longer an excuse for not exercising. I was so motivated with this website, I ordered a Pedometer so I could measure all my steps. I even got free shipping. The SPORTLINE 340 GO WALKING model I chose had good reviews. It said I had to walk 10,000 steps per day for 4 weeks and I would be on my way to being a fitter person. That means about 1 1/2 hours per day. The suggestion was to walk 30 minutes at lunchtime and 30 minutes at dinner. The remaining 30 minutes of activity during the day could be using the stairs and walking whenever possible. I usually have to park far from the building at work anyway, so that will get in a few more steps. After the first week, I need to step up my walking plan to include hills, inclines and additional stair climbing. Another suggestion was to wear a backpack to add some weight as I walk so I burn more calories. So I will let you know in 4 weeks what is happening in Fitness Land.

One of the snacks I love are nuts of any kind, without salt added. On the website, it said they have 51 grams of fat for 1 cup but you have to analyze that further. They are very low in carbs and although high in fat, they are low in Saturated fat and have no trans fats. They are a relatively good source of protein and have a decent fullness factor. I discovered they are also a good source of some vitamins and minerals. So in moderation, nuts are not as bad as they are portrayed.

My recipe on,was guacamole. Here are the results for 4 servings using one avocado and fat free mayo: Calories 98.8 per serving
Total Fat 9.0 g
Saturated Fat 1.2 g
Polyunsaturated Fat 1.0 g
Monounsaturated Fat 5.6 g
Cholesterol 0.4 mg,Sodium 34.6 mg,Potassium 293.5 mg
Total Carbohydrate 5.5 g,Dietary Fiber 4.0 g,Sugars 0.4 g
Highest in Vitamin B-6 8.3 %,Vitamin C 8.4 %,Folate 12.8 %
Pantothenic Acid 8.4 %

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